For human player only (not AI) (When a province is selected) For player's settlements only (not AI's) For Human player's Agents and Commanders (not AI's) For human player's Army/Fleet only (not AI) For Human player's Agents and Commanders (not AI's) (**) Game Title : Rome II Total War - Emperor Edition I never use these but for anyone who wants to try them out
When at the battle scroll, input this code in, attacker if attacking, defender if defending and press auto retaliate button. Toggles terrain to display various data sets.
Toggles strategy map coastline display. You can see the whole world map when inputted. Toggles everyone’s spying ability to perfect with infinite range. Toggles display of campaign map flowing water. Switches player control to specified faction. Shows victory message for faction for short or long campaign. Shows landing positions available to AI from a given region. Shows all valid processed paths in pathfinder. Sets max speed of turn processing during AI round. Sets health of building of specifed type in a settlement. Sets diplomatic stance between two factions. Sets aerial map overlay offset towards camera. Sets aerial map overlay depth bias for minimum zoom. Sets aerial map overlay depth bias for maximum zoom. Resets character to settings at start of turn. Moves indicated character to specified coordinates. Type: invulnerable_general “general’s name” Make the general invulnerable, may only work on battlefield. Gives you the specific amount of denarii you want. Gives indicated character the indicated ancillary. Type: give_trait “General/FamilyMember” “Trait” “Level” Gives a general/family member a trait instantly. ğorces opponent to accept diplomatic proposal. ğorces local player’s alliance to win the battle. ğorces local player’s alliance to lose the battle. Type: create_unit “Settlement/Unit” “unit name” “Amount” “experience” “defences” “attack” Ĝreates unit in a place or unit instantly with experiences/defense/attack if put. Type: create_building “city” “building name” Ĝompletes the construction instantly of any town/city. Ěpplies filter to world map coastlines.
Ěnything in the city’s building queue will be built automatically.Type: give_trait “character” “trait” “level number” Ěllows you to give any trait your faction can have to a specific general.Type: add_population “settlement name” “amount” Ěllows you to give a city more population automatically.
Type: create_unit “general’s name” “unit name” “#” / Example “create_unit “Gaius Julius” “roman velite” 2 ” Make sure to capitalize family member names, settlement names, and anything else that needs capitalizing or else it will likely to not work. Press the tilde (~) key and enter these codes to use them.